noism matters
Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2022 · 19:00 Uhr
Nenad Marković (Trompete) & Burkhard Stangl (Gitarre, Elektronik)
Zoran Pantelić (Präsentation, Novi Sad) im Gespräch mit Alisa Beck, Burkhard Stangl und Sara Zlanabitnig
Presentation & Talk in English!
program NOISM is implemented through a series of short-term art residencies and workshops aimed at authorial production which enables collaboration between international artists and local participants to create new music artwork or sound installations in public space. NOISM is a program through which contemporary practices in music and sound experiment are developed interaction and the process of joint creation of works. It is dedicated to temporary zones of groupness and improvisational practice that arises in sound, with sound and around sound.
CD release concert: “denominazione del sogno”by Burkhard Stangl (guitar, electronics) and Nenad Marković (trumpet): The material was realized as part of the NOISM workshop in September 2021, the recordings were made at the studio and in the public space, also at 1258 km on the banks of the Danube. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Zsolt Polgar ( Art work & graphic design, Novi Sad. Produced by, noism 2021, tak-ta-t_cd003
Public talk and video presentation about NOISM program and activities realized in recent years in Novi Sad through various aspects in which sound and improvising music has a central focus. A brief overview of the different participants and different approaches to experimentation and engagement through sound. NOISM is a program that unequivocally encourages creativity and experimentation. The new media is an independent organization dedicated to art, social engagement and education, founded in 2001. The programs bring’s together artists, theorists, media and social activists in the field of research into new media technologies, artistic practice, art theory and cultural policies. develops a platform of open dialogue, alternative methods of education and research and open access to various sources of knowledge through programs of cooperation and networking of organizations and individuals active in the field of culture, arts, politics and science.